HUMA is a command-line tool that can ransack an Essbase cube (BSO) such as a plain cube or a Planning backend, looking for stored members which do not have any data anywhere in that cube. These members can then become candidates for possible deletion or removal. Particularly in BSO cubes, deleting members can yield not insignificant performance benefits such as reduced storage space, increased query time, and more.

HUMA is currently undergoing beta testing and will be released in the near future. For now, more information can be found on the HUMA blog post.

Please contact me if you’d like to help with testing.

One thought on “HUMA Unused Member Analyzer

  1. Hey Jason,

    I just posted a question on Network54 regarding finding unused members and Jeff McAhren pointed me to your site. If you’re still looking for beta testers I’d love to be involved. Currently using (patch 600) but getting ready to upgrade to in the next month or 2.\


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