Hyperion Papercut: LCM security migration woes

Raise your hand if you’ve ever blown away your admin password when doing an LCM security migration. You there, in the back. I’m aware of this one because various of my colleagues are aware of it and they have told me to watch out.

Cameron Lackpour sent this one my way, though I was aware of it. Basically the issue is that you are migrating from server to server, presumably from development to production, and this includes user names and passwords (at least for native users). So if you migrate the development admin account to production, you blow away your production password.

So I guess you can say the tool is just doing what it’s supposed to do… but you’d think there’d be some provision on the target system that goes “Hey, maybe let’s not pave that really critical production admin user password with crap from somewhere else, mmkay?”

Anyone else out there shoot themselves in the foot with this? Or I am just missing something incredibly obvious?

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