Do you have an Essbase or Hyperion blog? Let me know!

I follow a plethora (you like that vocab word for the day?) of Essbase and Hyperion blogs, in addition to other technical blogs I love to follow such as on ODI, cloud computing, big data, and iOS development. I think I have a pretty solid list of blogs but there are always new ones popping up that I want to know about! Do you have an Essbase, Hyperion, EPM or other related topic blog? Please email or tweet it to me!

Also, some of my favorite Essbase related blogs are linked at the footer of this website so check them out. And similarly if you like this blog then please consider adding it your blogroll or list of links so we can all share the Essbase blog lovin’.


13 thoughts on “Do you have an Essbase or Hyperion blog? Let me know!

  1. Waza primo? Check this post out Jason :
    Sadly its been ages sinces I don’t post anything, but that could change soon!

    • Very cool! I will check these out – thank you. And start posting again! I went through a huge dry spell myself as I was in hardcore development mode on my mobile architecture, but now I’m having fun writing regularly again… even if it’s just me musing about stupid little tricks and features. :)


    Also going through a dry spell but not forgotten

  3. I like your idea of Hyperion Open Source projects.

  4. Celvin Kattookaran

    I’ve one blog on EPM

  5. Jason,

    Just returned from KScope13 (great Oracle / Hyperion conference). It inspired to join the online Essbase conversation.

    Here’s my blog:

    Thanks for sharing!


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