OAUG Collaborate 2014 is a wrap

I went to my first OAUG Collaborate last week. To date I have almost entirely been a Kscope person. Kscope definitely has a much larger Hyperion presence/footprint, but there’s a little bit of Hyperion at Collaborate. Nicely enough, my favorite Hyperion consulting firm had a booth on the main floor.

I was at Collaborate in a mostly non-Hyperion capacity, however. I gave my presentation on Oracle Data Integrator that is a case study/success story of refactoring a lot of boilerplate, hard-to-maintain, and buggy code into clean ODI packages. I expanded the presentation from when I gave it at NWOUG last year. It now includes a screenshot of ODI Studio for each piece of ODI functionality I talk about, then towards the end I have broken down a SQL to SQL Oracle interface with journalization so we can see exactly how ODI accomplishes this particular job in such an awesome way. It’s a bit of a deep dive but when the audience is full of SQL experts I think it makes sense. The presentation clocks in at almost exactly an hour now so I think I’m going to find some ways to trim it and polish it a little bit.

With Collaborate under my belt, this now makes the list of unique conferences I have presented at three items long: Kscope, NWOUG, and Collaborate. Not too shabby.

Thanks to all those that attended – there were many more people that I possibly would have thought (although I suspect few if any of you read this blog… :)

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