SeaHUG officially off and running

Hi all, the Seattle Hyperion User Group is officially up and running! More details to come but right now we are rounding up all the various Seattle and Greater Seattle Hyperion folks from all of the various nooks and crannies. Since not EVERYONE reads this blog (but should), if you are in Seattle or have some colleagues in Seattle that might be interested, will you please let them know about SeaHUG?

3 thoughts on “SeaHUG officially off and running

  1. byc moze byly to ostatnie slowa przed atakiem na samolotktory wlasnie wyladowal i na cos czekal…gdyz inaczej powiedzialaby z pewnoscia:zaraz bedziemy ladowac ?albo wlasnie wyladowalismy ?to tylko spekulacje,ale byc moze ostatnie slowa tych ludzi przejda potem do historiiwarto je zapamietac

  2. I met John when we bought our cottage at Sunset Beach. He was being a true friend and watched our property all year long. When my husband passed away John would call me a couple times a week to check on me. He loved his church and cooking for the members. He will be greatly missed by so many. RIP friend.

  3. How ironic Zany that the Staes seems to have begun falling apart in recent years with a president whom falsely professes to be a Christian, while Harper, the Canadian PM may well be an evangelical!Dad

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