Drillbridge 1.3.3 Update 2

Such is the case with software, but there were a few other issues pointed out to me, this time with Excel file generation. So, the good news is that I fixed it (I think) and actually fixed another small issue that I noticed could pop up (and edge case with certain types of reports).

Excel files will now be generated in streaming mode, as with the much enhanced report generation, so that’s cool. Also, unlike before, the Excel file generation will now honor the Smart Formatting option if you have that turned on, so that’s even more awesome.

One bad thing I just discovered, though, that I hadn’t though of, is a quirk with trying to download Excel files from Drillbridge pages that are paged. This is a bit problematic due to how to write the query, so for the time being I must say: no Excel file download on reports with Enable Paging turned on. I have tweaked the HTML so this option won’t even show.

Paging turns out to be a somewhat problematic issue due to the complexities of supporting multiple database backends, performance, and other things. So for now it’s just considered experimental.

A new Drillbridge 1.3.3 package has been uploaded to the download site with the aforementioned fixes.

Thanks again to those of you providing feedback and living on the bleeding edge of this thing. Version 1.3.1 is still the gold standard for now but 1.3.3 is just about there, I think. In any case, things should settle down from here on out in terms of major code changes.

Happy Drilling.

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