Drillbridge with Teradata & Netezza?

The ODTUG webinar for Drillbridge yesterday seemed to go pretty well (more to come soon!) but one of the questions that came up is if Drillbridge works with Teradata and/or Netezza for implementing Hyperion drill-through to relational. My answer: it should, but I don’t know for sure. Drillbridge supports Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL out of the box. Drillbridge also allows you to put your own JDBC driver into it’s /lib folder and you should be able to use any other flavor of database that you can write SQL for: be it Informix, DB2, Teradata, Netezza, or whatever.

So that being said, if you are interested in implementing Drillbridge and using one of these backend relational databases, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can help with it. I’d love to be able to confirm compatibility rather than to just say “I suspect it will work, JDBC is awesome, right?”

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