Drillbridge Wiki now up

It has been quite a busy week owing to helping a client deal with some major production issues. The fires are put out for the moment so I am finding myself with a minute or two to move forward a wee bit on Drillbridge.

Several of you indicated a willingness or desire to help out with a wiki for Drillbridge content, so that’s exactly what I have done. The Drillbridge Wiki is now live. For now I have imported the content from the Drillbridge manual to start things off. It looks pretty nice. I haven’t done much to modify or validate the formatting but things look okay. I might say that right now there are a handful of big pages rather than a lot of moderately sized pages, but I am sure over time it will morph into something more Wiki-like.

You can create an account in order to make edits. Please have it if you are interested. Feel free to post tips, tricks, examples, clarifications, links to blog articles written about Drillbridge, and more. You won’t hurt my feelings if you decide to move things around or edit them. Moving forward the wiki will be the primary form of documentation rather than trying to keep the PDF manual in sync with it.

In other Drillbridge news, I haven’t had a lot of time to work on it, but I am still working on 1.3.3. It contains some fixes and some pretty awesome performance improvements. Just sit tight and wait for the awesomeness to get completed.

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