ODI journal table performance tweak with an index

The other day I provided a crash course on simple journalization in ODI with an Oracle database. I wanted to set the stage for this performance tweak that I put in awhile ago on a few tables.

I mentioned that ODI stores journalized rows in a special table it creates that tracks the subscriber, processing status, and date of each row. The possible performance issue has to do with what ODI does during the processing of rows out of the table. If you have two different systems (subscribers) for a given table, when an interface runs, it is going to process data for just one subscriber at a time (usually). During processing ODI needs to mark these rows that it’s working with by changing the JRN_CONSUMED column to 1 for each matching subscriber.

In other words, if our interface processing data out of the CUSTOMERS table (by way of the journal table J$CUSTOMERS) is for subscriber ‘MARKETING’, then at some point in the ODI interface there will be a step like this:


If there are a lot of rows in the table, and particularly if there are a lot of rows in this table AND there are multiple subscribers, then the WHERE clause on this UPDATE statement can be a bottleneck. This is because the JRN_SUBSCRIBER field is not indexed, meaning that Oracle has to do a full table scan to find every row with a matching value. On a few interfaces I had at a client, this step was taking an inordinate amount of time. So I added an index on the JRN_SUBSCRIBER column (and eventually added one for the combination of JRN_SUBSCRIBER and JRN_CONSUMED), and performance increased dramatically, as Oracle was now able to avoid a full table scan.

The first time I made this change was over a year ago and I haven’t seen any adverse affects or otherwise had any problems, and it droppedĀ processing time for this one step from over 30 minutes to well under a minute.

If you have large, multi-subscriber journal tables being worked on by performance-critical interfaces, you might want to open up Operator and see how long they are taking and if a carefully placed index could benefit them.


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