Kscope16 is almost here!

Here we are again, just less than a week before Kscope16. I say this every year but this year’s Kscope promises to be the best yet, and I’m starting to get really pumped. There are a lot of exciting things going on in the greater Essbase world right now, and even my own little corner of this world is quite exciting (to me at least), including such fun things:

All of these items will be present at the conference, in one form or another. Dodeca will be featured in several presentations this year as customers talk about their implementation successes. Drillbridge has its own presentation again this year, given by yours truly, the outline extractor has a session put on by Tim, and the PBJ library will make up about half of a presentation with Cameron talking about on-prem versus PBCS.

That all said, this week I’m going to blog daily about some of the cool things in the world of Dodeca, Drillbridge, the Outline Extractor, and more. Stay tuned for a busy week!

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