Milestone for PBJ (PBCS REST API Java Client) Project: first outside contribution

Just a quick note on a fun milestone for the PBJ project: the first code contribution from an outside developer has been merged into the codebase. This is one of the things I love about open source. The PBJ project has a very flexible license (Apache Software License 2.0) and as such it is quite business friendly.

Sometimes when an open source project doesn’t do what you need it to do at a given point in time you have to roll up your sleeves and add some code yourself. And that’s exactly what one of the users of the library needed when they added some new methods to download large files from PBCS. So there are a couple of new methods for handling that use-case – and now everyone gets to benefit from it. This is exactly what I had envisioned when I created this project: a high-quality codebase with complete documentation, unit tests, and support for some of the exciting REST APIs being provided by modern Oracle technologies, and a chance to enjoy living one of my favorite quotes: a rising tide lifts all boats.

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