Beta testers wanted for Hyperion Unused Member Analyzer tool

I have been working on a tool called HUMA – Hyperion Unused Member Analyzer. The idea for it came out of some side discussions at Kscope a couple of months ago. The idea is simple: Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy way to determine if any members are unused in a given cube?

Given a server, database, and credentials, HUMA will connect to a a cube, analyze its stored members, generate a list of all possible values, then iterate over it, analyzing the resulting data grids for the presence of data. If there are members with no data in them, they are shown to the user running the program. To increase performance, HUMA orders the grids and sequences of members within the sub grids so that they are aligned to the dense/sparse structure of the cube, so that it can pound on the same hot blocks before moving on to grids with different sparse permutations.

On a pretty gutless VM of mine with Essbase running in 1GB of RAM, a standard Sample/Basic cube can be ransacked for data in about three seconds. Also, given the way the tool works, it’s not necessary to do a full export of a cube or anything since the analysis is based on the data that is queried and immediately discarded. So far it seems to work pretty well.

The goal of the tool is to be a tool in the toolbox for Hyperion/Essbase admins that want to analyze their environment and act on possible improvements. This goes hand in hand with my research and efforts to find out what we all do when we dive into a new system as part of a health check hit list.  Doing so on a BSO database can yield improvements (particularly on dense members).

In any case, version 1.0 of the tool is basically ready to go and I’d love to have a few people test it out and let me know of any issues!

29 thoughts on “Beta testers wanted for Hyperion Unused Member Analyzer tool

  1. Very cool. I’d definitely use it and have a horror cube to throw at it

  2. How timely, I was just preparing to think through how I was going to accomplish the same myself!

    I have a large sparse project dimension whose members are fairly short lived. We’ve deleted last years projections, and it’s time to clean up the metadata as well.

  3. sign me up!

  4. Sean Vandermeulen

    I would love to try this!

  5. yes for sure i would want to test it on my cubes

  6. please sign me in

  7. […] a thought. Let me know! After HUMA is kicked over the wall I’ll be looking for my next side project (as time permits) and I am […]

  8. Amy Del Rosario

    I would use it!

  9. Count me in. I would love to

  10. Great idea, Jason. This sounds very BSO-focussed; will it also work on ASO applications?

  11. Oh, and I’d definitely get involved in Beta if you’re still looking!

  12. Please, sign me in.


  13. Excellent idea. I’ll beta test if you’re still looking for the help.

  14. Count me in, I can test them on couple of applications I have.

  15. Jason,

    I’d be very interested in testing HUMA.


  16. I am very interested in this :)

  17. Hi Jason,

    I’m very interested too :-) Please keep me in the loop and keep up the good job/thinking


  18. Naseer Muhammud

    Hi Jason,

    I would be interested too in testing out this tool sounds interesting . Please do let me know . That’s a great Job though.All the very best.


  19. Hi Jason,

    Cool ideas man…. Loving it…

    Please sign me in :)


  20. Hey Jason,

    if you still need help I would love to help out.



  21. Hi Jason,

    I noticed that your blog is still very fresh, but haven’t seen any new activity here. I just found this article in the network54 forum after searching for how to clean up members. If you are still working on this project I would like to give it a crack at my system.



  22. I would be very interested in this your tool.


  23. Hi Jason,

    I am working on a task to identify unused members in the BSO cube and I came across this blog post. I am very interested in testing this tool. If this project is still available for testing then please let me know. Appreciate your help.


  24. Hi Jason,
    Would love to test and use this tool.

  25. I am interested.

  26. Interested as well!!

  27. Hi Jason,

    Where can I get this Huma?

  28. […] her advises on the UI and of course for her patience ? Apologies to Jason Jones for not testing HUMA. Now you might be wondering, why we need this when Shared Services is already there. This is not […]

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